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We want to know how much do marketing tenders really cost? How much does it cost the agencies? How much does it cost the marketers? We are running a survey to collect this information anonymously.

We need your feedback as an industry professional on the important topic of pitching and tenders. The results will be anonymous and will inform an industry session at this year’s Mumbrella360 in Sydney, Australia. The survey explores how much does pitching really cost us? How much does it cost the agency? How much does it cost the marketer? How much does it cost the industry? We are delighted to invite you to participate in Australia’s first-ever national survey of the impact of pitching on agencies, marketers and the industry. We’re partnering with New Business Methodology, the growth consultancy transforming how agencies approach new business, to conduct this first-of-it’s-kind industry survey. We are seeking to understand the true cost of pitching in terms of time, hard cash, and blood sweat and tears - NBM calls this the OUCH! Factor™. Take the OUCH! Factor™ Survey New Business Methodology & TrinityP3 will be sharing the results of this survey at a Mumbrella 360 session in July and we’ll be giving all participants a sneak peek in advance. The brief survey will take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Join the survey here. Thanks in anticipation Darren
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