BRAVO | The Americas | How to Identify Allies and Advocates
Allyship and advocacy is an additional leadership responsibility and skill that can make all the difference in creating more equity, respect and inclusion at work. We have worked with over 850 allies and advocates since 2017 and have found that most often, leaders while well intentioned to give their support, did not always know what being an ally and advocate really entailed. Similarly, we have worked with over 600 people, relying on advocates and allies to make a positive difference in their working lives, who did not lead these senior sponsors deliberately and strategically to realise the benefit of their support.
Come along to this session to unpack your role, whether you are receiving or giving allyship and advocacy; and discover how to measure success and impact.
We will be working in 20 minute sprints, learning; discussing & questioning and committing to action in a community of practice style session.