Blog / Alice Sidhu

Forget New Year’s resolutions! Do these 3 things instead
Giving up on New Year’s resolutions? For a fresh perspective, try these three suggestions to start this year in the best possible way.

Why Leaders Shouldn’t Leave The Stories To Marketing
Are we all too busy getting on with the business of running the business to be telling stories? It’s an easy thing to think until we understand the value and power of stories… Once Upon a Time……And so the story goes….. There wouldn’t be too many of us who cannot remember even one story from … Continue reading Why Leaders Shouldn’t Leave The Stories To Marketing

The One Thing Everyone Keeps Getting Wrong About Digital Transformation
While digital technologies have made the pathway to digital transformation the opportunity that every organisation is seeking to capitalise on, what many organisations get wrong is the focus on the technology… There’s no doubt that we have been in the digital revolution for a while now. It may have been a slow start as we … Continue reading The One Thing Everyone Keeps Getting Wrong About Digital Transformation

If Teams Become Self-directed, What’s Left For The Managers To Do?
How do you enable and oversee without having control and visibility? This is the challenge of leadership and focusing on adopting or refining these three key attributes will help get you on the right path… We have all heard the words and most probably used them ourselves many times over; Empowered, autonomous, self directed. Thousands … Continue reading If Teams Become Self-directed, What’s Left For The Managers To Do?

5 Days Without Technology
I spent five days disconnected from technology; this is how, and what I did instead… Irrespective of what time of the day you are reading this blog, there is one certainty. You would have spent some time on line whether it was for business purposes or for personal engagement. If you are anything like me, … Continue reading 5 Days Without Technology

AI And The Future Of Work: Why It’s Not Oblivion That Keeps Me Optimistic
With AI encompassing a broad range of technologies, it is unlikely that there will be a role that will not feel the potential impact. With all the media focus and conversation about the impact of technology on the work we do, it can sometimes be a wonder to think that any of us will have … Continue reading AI And The Future Of Work: Why It’s Not Oblivion That Keeps Me Optimistic

Still Trying To Understand Blockchain? Here’s The One Thing You Really Need To Know
Blockchain is so much more then cryptocurrency, and despite the scepticism, it is here to stay. I’ve had a blog on blockchain on my mind for a while. As far as business buzzwords and hype, it has to be right up there with the best of them. Everyone is talking about it, or asking about … Continue reading Still Trying To Understand Blockchain? Here’s The One Thing You Really Need To Know

Is Data A Promise Or A Peril? 3 Things That Really Matter
Why do organisations and leaders face such a challenge in using data at all, much less using it effectively. It’s everywhere and it’s generated every second. Just texted someone? You created data. Just booked an Uber. You created data. Did some grocery shopping? You created data. And that’s before we even get to your professional … Continue reading Is Data A Promise Or A Peril? 3 Things That Really Matter

4 Strategies For Managing Change The Right Way
If you think change is easy, you must be doing it wrong! These 4 strategies can help… Why do we say change is hard when we make changes every day; we change clothes, what we eat, where we go. We change meetings, appointments, schedules constantly. So what is it about change that makes us put … Continue reading 4 Strategies For Managing Change The Right Way

When Did Podcasting Become So Cool?
50 per cent of the population can’t be wrong, right? But just why is podcasting so popular and why do we keep listening? In 2017, when I received a call from Colin Beattie, one of the best leadership and cultural transformation architects I know, I had no idea at all about podcasts. So when Colin … Continue reading When Did Podcasting Become So Cool?