Blog / Amanda Prochaska

5 Ways to Thank a Supplier this Holiday Season
Gifts are fairly common this time of year. But are you doing anything to recognise and thank your suppliers for their hard work this year? Let the gift basket parade begin! It is the holiday season. The cheese trays, cards, fruit towers, yeti coffee cups pour in from suppliers at this time of year. Savvy sales teams … Continue reading 5 Ways to Thank a Supplier this Holiday Season

Procurement Will: My Takeaways from the Big Ideas Summit
The best insights in the world are no good if nobody acts on them. Time for procurement to follow through with some great, Big Ideas. Last week, I had the pleasure of hosting a room full of some of the top procurement professionals in the country. This wasn’t just any old networking event though, it … Continue reading Procurement Will: My Takeaways from the Big Ideas Summit

Suppliers: Partners not Punching Bags
If suppliers are treated as part of the team, rather than punching bags, it can actually help to accelerate procurement’s ability to add value. When you are hiring employees, do you focus just on the salary negotiations? With the only goal being to get the lowest cost talent? No, because we know the value we are going to receive from that individual is through many years of … Continue reading Suppliers: Partners not Punching Bags