Big Ideas Summit 2016: How to Be a Digital Delegate

You’ll have seen announcements for Big Ideas Summit 2016 on Procurious recently. Now, here’s how you get involved as a digital delegate.

“Sounds great, but how does this concern me?” you may well ask.

Well here’s how. Just like our event in 2015, we’re billing the Big Ideas Summit 2016 as a ‘digitally-led’ conference, which means you can be anywhere in the world and still get involved as a Digital Delegate. You’ll be able to catch the day’s discussions as they happen. Interactivity is key!

As a Procurious member, you’ve read all about our Influencers, the issues affecting procurement and supply chains and you might’ve even come-up with a question or two. You’re now ready to get really involved and here’s your chance.

How can I participate in the lead up to the event?

  • Join the Group – If you haven’t already, make sure you’ve joined our Big Ideas Summit 2016 Group on Procurious. You can find it in the ‘Groups’ area of the website.
  • Submit your questions now – You can submit questions for the various sessions, and to all our Influencers, in a number of ways. Do this in the event group, or via social media on Twitter, LinkedIn or FacebookDetails of the event’s scheduling are available here, and there’s still plenty of time to come up with a question. But make sure you do so before the event.
  • Check out our related content – In the few weeks before the event, we’ll be publishing a whole host of content, including articles on key themes and topics, interviews with our influencers, discussions, and guest blog posts from our sponsors and delegates.
  • Tell us your Big Ideas – On the 21st, we’ll be asking our influencers to tell us their Big Ideas for the future of procurement. But we’re also giving you the chance to tell us what you think. Very soon we’ll be asking the community to submit their own Big Ideas videos – stay tuned to find out how!

How can I participate on the day?

  • Keep your eyes peeled – The group will be the place for a digital delegate to get updates from London as they happen.
  • Check out our Twitter feed – We’ll be live-tweeting from the event all day, keeping you up to date with all the discussions. Join in by following along with our tweets, and Tweet us @procurious_ using #BigIdeas2016 so we can pick your questions up!
  • Like our Facebook page – If you’re a keen Facebooker you can get all the day’s updates via our Facebook page, including photos of key moments, and of our Influencers in action. If you haven’t already, you can like Procurious on Facebook here.
  • Follow us on LinkedIn – If LinkedIn is your platform of choice, you can follow Procurious, and join our company Group too. We’ll be sharing our content on LinkedIn with our followers and looking for even more people to get involved.

What about after the event?

  • Keeping the discussion going – Following the event, we’ll be sharing all manner of great content on Procurious. This will include blog posts on what happened at the event, footage from each session, and our influencers’ very own 3-minute ‘Big Ideas’ videos. Once again, the only way to access these videos will be to join the Group.
  • Invite others – The more people that join our discussions and get involved, the better! Use the Procurious ‘Build your Network’ feature to send invitations to your colleagues, peers, managers, friends and email contacts. Tweet your Twitter followers (remembering to use #BigIdeas2016), post to your LinkedIn network, or Facebook news feed.

If you’re interested in finding out more, visit, join our Procurious group, and Tweet your thoughts and Big Ideas to us using #BigIdeas2016.

Don’t miss out on this truly excellent event and the chance to participate in discussions that will shape the future of the procurement profession. Get Involved, register today.