Going from bland to brand: Why promoting a positive procurement career image is more important than ever

When the new year ticked over recently, what were your career goals? 

More importantly than that, what goals did you put on your five year career roadmap? Whatever they were, you can be sure that you’ll more likely achieve them if you get this one thing right, and it is: your personal brand. 

Navigating the murky realm of personal brands can be a challenge, especially if you’re a woman in procurement. You have to ask yourself uncomfortable questions, such as: should I behave like a man to try and get ahead? How do I overcome imposter syndrome? What kind of leader should I be, what is expected, and what is changing?

Asking yourself these questions is important, because being able to articulate the value you bring, understanding your leadership style, and cultivating a positive image in your career is more important than ever. Here’s why, and here’s how to do just that. 

Why is cultivating a positive career image in procurement so important?

Procurement, more than most professions, is a career that is all about value: including adding it to your team, your organisation’s culture, and also, your function’s bottom line. For this reason, you need to build a personal brand that showcases your unique value, for three important reasons: 

A strong personal brand will help open doors 

Personal branding is so much more than a buzzword. It is a powerful tool that shapes how others perceive and interact with us professionally. In the realm of procurement, where relationships, trust, and collaboration play pivotal roles, a positive personal brand can open doors. 

The reason for this is because when our network knows and understands the value we bring, they are more likely to keep us top-of-mind for new and exciting opportunities. 

A strong personal brand will help establish trust and credibility 

In procurement, trust is the bedrock of successful partnerships. A positive personal brand contributes to the establishment of credibility, showcasing competence, reliability, and integrity. 

When stakeholders, suppliers, and colleagues perceive you as trustworthy and capable, it not only strengthens current relationships but also attracts new ones.

A strong personal brand enhances your professional visibility 

A well-crafted personal brand acts as a spotlight, ensuring that your achievements and expertise are recognized within and beyond your organisation. Visibility is key to career advancement, and a positive personal brand can help you stand out in a crowded professional landscape, paving the way for promotions, leadership roles, and industry recognition.

A strong personal brand helps you to build a network of support 

Procurement is inherently collaborative, requiring effective communication and relationship-building skills. A positive personal brand can foster a network of supportive connections, both within and outside the organisation. 

This network can serve as a source of guidance, mentorship, and career opportunities, creating a robust foundation for professional growth.

And if that wasn’t enough, if you are looking to build a team, employees increasingly choose a leader, not a role: so building your personal brand can help you attract and retain the best possible procurement talent. 

How to show your value through your personal brand 

Here’s a few tips to build a value-based personal brand: 

Define your unique value proposition 

Start your brand-building by identifying and articulating your unique strengths, skills, and accomplishments. 

Ask yourself: what sets you apart in the procurement landscape? It might be your negotiation prowess, strategic thinking, or relationship-building skills. Whatever it is, ensure that you can define what you bring to the table. 

Showcase thought leadership

Once you’ve defined the value you bring, it’s important to publicly share your insights and expertise. 

This could take many forms. Perhaps you create a working group within your organisations, offer to mentor someone, or potentially even share your insights on social media or industry publications. 

Establishing yourself as a knowledgeable and influential figure in procurement can significantly enhance your personal brand.

Actively seek feedback 

Your personal brand is not something that is static. Instead, it should develop and change over time, and the best way to know what’s required is to seek feedback. 

For this reason, regularly seek feedback from colleagues, superiors, and your team. Understand how they perceive your strengths and areas for improvement, as constructive feedback can guide you in refining your personal brand and addressing any blind spots that may hinder your professional growth.

Invest in continuous learning 

In procurement, it’s important to not just be up-to-date: you have to stay ahead. For this reason, ensure that you’re always reading, listening and learning, and that you always understand what the latest industry trends, technological advancements and best practices are. 

Demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning not only enhances your skill set but also reinforces your personal brand as someone who is adaptable, forward-thinking, and invested in professional development.

Building a personal, value-based brand in procurement is no easy feat, and these tips are just the beginning. If you want to learn how to build, refine and really promote the value you bring, join us for BRAVO. 

Through BRAVO, you’ll join other inspirational female procurement leaders to not only build your personal brand, but foster a sense of community, share experiences, and gain support from others in your career journey.

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