How To Answer The Challenging Procurement Interview Question: ‘Why Do You Want To Work Here?’

Regardless of how much practice you’ve had or how confident you might feel, procurement interviews are never easy.

There’s always the unnerving feeling that you’re competing with others for the role, or you might feel uneasy as you have to sneak away from your current role, or of course, imposter syndrome might be getting in your way.

And they’re all the feelings you have to overcome before you even start answering interview questions. 

If you’re a procurement professional, it’s likely you’ll have many achievements under your belt that you’ll be able to easily explain in a procurement interview. But the job interview questions that are often harder are the personal ones, for example, ‘tell me about yourself’ or ‘why do you want to work here?’ 

The latter question is particularly challenging because sometimes, the honest answer is not the best answer. So, here’s how to best answer ‘why do you want to work here?’, starting with what you should not say to this question. 

How you should not answer ‘Why do you want to work here?’ 

While there are three broad approaches to how you can answer ‘why do you want to work here?’, there’s some more definitive ways you should definitely not answer this question – ways that will most definitely sabotage your procurement interview. 

Try to avoid saying that: 

  • You want this role because it pays the most or is in the highest-paying industry 
  • You saw that the company offers additional paid leave (or any other benefits) 
  • The title of the role would look good on your CV 
  • You were attracted to the role because it was remote or offered certain flexibility 
  • You want this role as you’ve missed out on others. 

These approaches don’t work as, ultimately, an interview is about what you can do for an employer, and these answers centre around what an employer can do for you. 

How to answer ‘Why do you want to work here?’ 

A much better way to answer’ why do you want to work here?’ is to focus on how you can be an asset to your potential employer. 

And there are three ways you can do this when asked in your next procurement interview.

Approach 1: Show that you care about what your potential employer cares about 

Whether you’re applying for a role in a government department or a bank, your employer will have something they care about, and they’ll want you to care about it, too.

They might also have a vision for their culture and a defined set of values, and it’s very likely they’ll want you to be onboard with these as well. 

By answering the question ‘why do you want to work here?’ through demonstrating your passion for your potential employer’s product, service or values, you’re saying to your employer that you care about and are motivated by what they do (and who they are).

Showing that you share their values also says to them that you’re more likely to fit in. 

When you’re explaining how your values align, ensure you also explain why. For example: 

  • ‘As a bank, I noticed you are increasingly focused on financial wellbeing. Financial wellbeing is important to me because …” 
  • ‘My grandparents immigrated here and did it tough, so I’ve long been passionate about equality. The work that this charity does inspires me because … “ 
  • “I can see that the values of this government agency are … . These are important to me and I demonstrate them by doing … “ 

Approach 2: Explain why the role will bring you joy 

When we love what we do, we work harder, are more engaged, and produce better results. And what employer wouldn’t want an employee like that? Highlighting your passion for the role is a great way to answer ‘why do you want to work here?’ especially if you also express how or why you enjoy it. 

For example, you could say: 

  • ‘I have spent a considerable amount of time nurturing relationships within this category, they mean a lot to me and it would make me happy to continue nurturing them.’ 
  • ‘I immensely enjoy the strategic element of procurement at this level, and I’d love to continue some great initiatives I’ve worked on that I think could benefit you.’ 
  • ‘I’m a results-oriented individual, so a certain level of cost savings, if executed strategically, brings me satisfaction.’ 

Approach 3: Describe why you’re a good investment 

When an employer is hiring you, they’re certainly not hoping to do so just for the next few months. Ideally, they’re making an investment in you and hoping that investment will pay off, so the ideal third approach to ‘why do you want to work here?’ is to demonstrate that you’re an investment that will pay off. 

You can do this by explaining how and why you’ll succeed in the role. For example: 

  • “I can see myself succeeding in this role because in my previous procurement role I effectively managed this category, so I know what it takes.’ 
  • ‘I’ve found I work best in complex environments, I enjoy working with numerous departments and communicating the value procurement brings.’ 
  • ‘As someone who is personally ambitious, I will thrive in a culture that elevates procurement and always sets new challenges.’ 

When answering ‘why do you want to work here?’, you can also combine all three approaches, or choose whichever one or two resonate with you.

Ensure you are as specific as possible, and that you convey enough enthusiasm, optimism and passion to leave the employer thinking not about what you want, but about how much they want you.