The Ultimate Showdown: Sales vs Procurement
Are you intimidated by negotiations? Don’t be. Take a deep dive in our Masterclass with Elliot Epstein & learn how to smash your next negotiation.

Have you ever wondered how the sales guy pushing you to close a deal on one of your categories is preparing for your next negotiation? What tactics and skills could they have up their sleeve that could potentially destroy your strategy? And what’s the size of the prize for them? How much commission they will receive on your deal vs your steady salary?
Don’t be intimidated. You have the power and the opportunity to get the best out of your next negotiation.
It all comes down to having a plan and the skills to respond to what will be thrown from the other side of the table.
When the stakes are high, only the most advanced negotiation skills, sales prowess and pitch strategies will prevail. Even so, having the best negotiation plan does not mitigate against the might and ingenuity of the competition! We need to read the signs.
Read on for our tips on how to get started.
1. Preparation is key
• Have a negotiation plan prepared in advance and know it well (link to Negotiation Factory story published in early Feb that says you should spend 3 times more planning, than negotiating)
• Have the right team from your side of the fence
• Understand who you are facing
• Know what your bottom lines are, where you are willing to compromise and what your BAFO is (best and final offer)
• Practice! Have a run through with your colleagues and test out any potential holes that may be lurking
2. Master your own superpowers
Learn how to read other people like a pro and pick up the information they’re willingly giving away with their body language. Once you’ve got the other people nailed down then start to look at yourself and see if there are things that you can do to help you calm down, remain cool and exude self confidence.
3. Join our Sales vs Procurement Masterclass and learn from the best in class
If you’re interested in learning more about how to get the best out of your negotiations and how sales has impacted procurement – then this 90 minute session with Elliot Epstein is an absolute must! It will upgrade your skills to give you the edge over the competition in your next deal.
You will learn:
• How Sales has Changed and its effect on Procurement
• Identify key differences between Sales and Procurement negotiation techniques
• Methods for unlocking value
• Innovative & cutting edge negotiation tactics
Our masterclass facilitator Elliot Epstein
“’I hate seeing people lose clients, staff, partners, boards and pitches when they simply don’t have to..”
Elliot is a best-selling author and keynote speaker in demand, recognised as one of Australia’s leading sales experts with skills that are applicable in any international setting. As CEO of Salient Communication, Elliot Epstein has coached and trained over 3000 people including CEOs, senior management and successful sales teams throughout Australasia and Asia. Elliot is a specialist speaker in the ICT industry having spoken at over 300 conferences, workshops and break-out sessions for leading companies such as Alcatel – Lucent, HP, Intel, Hitachi and Symantec. He is renowned for ensuring sessions are engaging, interactive and relevant to winning business in those markets. The previous 15 years of Elliot Epstein’s business life has included senior roles in communication consulting and the IT industry in strategic sales and management.
Come and learn from the best and be a world leading negotiator!
This session is for The Faculty Roundtable members only. For more information on The Faculty Roundtable please contact [email protected]