Hannah Jacques Jones
Industry: Business Services & Consulting
Category: HR - Generalist
Level of responsibility: Intermediate
Procurement system: Other
Work Experience
The Faculty
February 2012 - December 2014 (2 years, 10 months) | London, UK
With a broad range of skills and experience, Hannah has a proven track record of delivering high quality results and creative solutions across a wide range of industries, including Telecommunications, State Government, Oil and Gas, Agriculture and Resources. During her time at The Faculty, Hannah has worked on a diverse ranging from benchmarking procurement capabilities to developing targeted category approaches for strategic procurement requirements.
Internally, Hannah has designed and developed a new e-enabled Capability Assessment methodology for The Faculty to aid and focus procurement leaders on the importance of procurement capability in driving business outcomes in this current heated market place.
Having lived in four countries and educated in three, Hannah holds a Masters degree in Chemistry from The University of Leicester in the UK.
April 2015 - Present (9 years, 11 months) | London, UK
University of Leicester
MChemUSA (Hons) - Masters of Chemistry
2004 - 2008
A four year accelerate masters degree in chemistry, heavily focused on practical application. Third year spent studying at the University of Florida, FL, USA.