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Marc Jablon

Executive Trainer/Seminar Leader at
Los Angeles, California, United States, United States of America
Function: Others
Industry: Education & Training
Category: BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Services

About me section iconAbout me

Music aficionado (classic jazz, blues, classic rock, R&B), singer, cycling enthusiast (I've done weeklong rides in Israel and down the California coast), foodie and one heck of an uncle!! Oh, and I'm also a negotiation consultant and training facilitator with over 5 years training top business people in negotiation. Recently moved from an established worldwide training organization to help create SPASIGMA, the learning wing of Strategic Pricing Associates, whose pricing analytics have helped hundreds of manufacturers and distributors optimized their pricing structures. SPASIGMA was created out of the idea that if you are going to provide strict pricing guidelines to maximize profit, you need to also provide a way to defend your prices and protect your margins. SPASIGMA's dynamic instructor-led negotiation training, followed up by its dazzling learning management system online using cutting-edge technology, does just that! SPASIGMA's latest offering, a first-rate strategic-costing tool, will be of great value to those purchasing professionals on the other side of the table. My goal in joining this group is NOT simply to promote SPASIGMA, but to fully understand the challenges facing procurement professionals in today's ever-changing business environment. My hope is that my evolution as a trainer and facilitator will be commensurate with that of the various industries represented here. Looking forward to seeing you all on the message boards!

Work experience section iconWork Experience

Program Development Manager

Karrass Effective Negotiating

April 2011 - June 2014 (3 years, 2 months) | Los Angeles, CA
Facilitated negotiation training seminars for leading negotiation training company that led the industry for 40 years.
Trainer/Seminar Leader

Mobus Creative Negotiating

June 2014 - October 2015 (1 year, 4 months) | Los Angeles, CA
When I'm not on the road dazzling attendees with our cutting-edge negotiation training program, I help develop business for Mobus through social media marketing and targeted outbound sales initiatives. Helping start this company from the ground up has been incredibly rewarding, especially as training budgets skyrocket and competition grows industry-wide.
Program Development Manager/Seminar Leader


April 2011 - August 2014 (3 years, 4 months)
Business Training Seminar Leader/Business Development (Contract Position) • Lead and facilitate 2-day public seminars all over U.S. & Canada teaching effective negotiating for the worldwide leader in business negotiation training. Groups number between 15 and 50 people. 15 hours of material include speaking and entertaining, leading discussions, presenting video and facilitating mock negotiations. • Lead both one-day and two-day customized in-house seminars on-site @ various businesses, throughout the U.S. and Canada, that are specifically tailored to the negotiating needs of those businesses across several industries, including auto, software/technology, medical supplies, food/beverage and various manufacturing companies. Businesses include many Fortune 500 companies. • Secured sales from leads generated by my success in the public seminars and contacts within several industries.
Accounting Assistant

McKinsey & Company

January 1999 - January 2001 (2 years)
Executive Trainer

Strategic Pricing Associates

September 2015 - Present (9 years, 6 months)
I am a corporate learning development professional who has recently helped launch SPASigma, the training wing for Strategic Pricing Associates. I am one of the lead trainers and content creators for this new, cutting-edge program focusing on manufacturers and distributors of industrial products. Stay tuned for our online negotiating academy, currently in development and set to launch in early 2016!!

Strativity Group

August 2015 - Present (9 years, 7 months)
Facilitate industry-leading customer experience training to global leaders in automotive, technology and hospitality.

Performance of a Lifetime

July 2015 - Present (9 years, 8 months)

PPS International Limited

June 2015 - Present (9 years, 9 months)

Education section iconEducation

Indiana University

B.A. History, B.A. Political Science

1991 - 1995
Also completed Masters of Fine Arts in Acting/Drama from the University of Washington.
University of Washington


2002 - 2005
Indiana University Bloomington


1991 - 1995
No memberships selected.