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Marcello Benazzoli

Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy, Italy
Function: Procurement
Industry: Manufacturing
Category: Components & Parts
Level of responsibility: Intermediate
Procurement system: Other

About me section iconAbout me

My expertise is in Materials and Services Procurement, Sourcing and Procurement Organization and I am most involved in Microelectronics field and Supply Chain Optimization -

Work experience section iconWork Experience


Optoelettronica Italia Srl - Optoi Microelectronics

July 2012 - Present (12 years, 8 months) | Trento
Optoi was founded in Trento (Italy) in 1995 as the first spin-off company of the scientific and technological research institute ITC-irst (now called Bruno Kessler Foundation - FBK), located in Trento as well. Optoi is carrying on a worthwhile collaboration with such Institute. Optoi started its activity focusing its core business on microelectronic packaging activities, and it is able to offer a qualified and appreciated competence, that allowed to grow up quickly and to achieve the confidence of multinational companies as well as small and medium Italian and foreign companies, which work in the field of technological innovation and product miniaturization. Together with the development and the continuous improvement of the microelectronic packaging activities, Optoi also designs and produces silicon sensors, Microsystems, smart systems and standard or custom microelectronic MEMS devices collaborating with various European research institutes, universities and silicon foundries. All the above mentioned devices are sold and commercialized by its sales network. Besides, Optoi designs and produces custom microelectronic components following customers’ technical requirements. Optoi is involved in different areas and application fields (Industrial, Environmental, Aerospace, Medical, Component Replacement, etc) and is able to offer its support for the development of innovative microelectronic solutions in process control areas, quality monitoring, industrial automation, security systems, over and above those for artificial vision and medical, biomedical, environmental and aerospace use.

Education section iconEducation

Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia

Laurea, Lingue e Istituzioni Econ. e Giur. dell'Asia Orient.

2002 - 2007
Il corso mira a formare operatori in grado di coniugare conoscenze linguistico- culturali e competenze in campo imprenditoriale e istituzionale. Oltre a conoscenze di base nelle discipline della linguistica teorica e della lingua e letteratura italiana, i laureati avranno una preparazione approfondita in una prima lingua dell’Asia Orientale e una buona preparazione in una seconda, nonchè in una lingua dell’Unione Europea; saranno altresì in possesso di una conoscenza di base dei diversi aspetti del patrimonio culturale delle civiltà dell’area (storico, filosofico ecc.) e di competenze specifiche di carattere economico, giuridico, sociologico e politico-istituzionale; saranno inoltre in possesso di conoscenze in merito alla capacità d’impiego dei principali strumenti informatici negli ambiti specifici di competenza.
東海大学 / Tokai University

Shokyuu Nihongo

2007 - 2007
Tokai University (東海大学 Tōkai Daigaku) is a private university in Tokyo, Japan. It was established in 1943 by Shigeyoshi Matsumae, who had formerly been the engineering president of the Ministry of Communications. The Shonan Campus was established in the 1960s. The university has focused particularly on the sciences and engineering, as the founder believed that "After the war, development and the peaceful use of the science and technology were necessary for the development of Japan where the resource was scarce" About 60 percent of students enrolled in those schools. Between 1994 and 2004, Tōkai University led all universities in Japan in the registration of new patents.
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